Mother: Your English teacher says you're cutting corners in 'Creative Writing'
Son: She's lying. She doesn't really want us to write creatively.
Mother: She says you made a contraction out of an entire paragraph.
Son: Unpronounceable, but very creative...
This is a discussion space for LDA of Michigan's board and professional advisory. All board members and PAB members are welcome to author or comment on the postings on this page. You can post pictures (above), change fonts, add links, or post video images (see below) using wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) technology.Son: She's lying. She doesn't really want us to write creatively.
Mother: She says you made a contraction out of an entire paragraph.
Son: Unpronounceable, but very creative...
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Thanks, Kathleen K.
And here, in honour of our Canadian board members (with thanks and apologies to Molson).